Under which circumstances will Leqqya be free?
Category: Narrative Solo
Actual Plays without a GM that are played as I write them down.
Delicate Business – 2
What is going on in the Smuggling Camp? How shady can things become? Who is hacking their devices and trying to interrupt the operations? And what for?
Delicate Business – 1
A Smuggle Operation called Unload Area 61 will take place somewhere in the frontier of future Switzlerland, for a Genesys Android game. Let see where it goes!
Surviving the Odds (Legacy) – 7
It’s time to escape. Kyle and Ida must rescue Adam and get out of the machine-driven warehouse…
Surviving the Odds (Legacy) – 6
Adam is captured, the raiders have him, what will Kyle and Ida do now?
Surviving the Odds (Legacy) – 5
Can Kyle, Adam, and Ida find and escape with the Power Node?
Surviving the Odds (Legacy) – 4
Kyle, Adam, and Ida follow the mysterious grandpa, who seems to be frequently roaming the wastelands, lately…
Symbiotic Fission – 5
Characters conceded, but were taken captive, and handed over? We’ve got to tescape!
Symbiotic Fission – 4
Emil heads back to the camp, now with an Alien Egg, and a captive alive Alien on their inventory. For sure things will turn out well…
Symbiotic Fission – 3
Emil goes out to scout the area around the survivor’s camp.