Saturday Jul 27, 2024

Verse – Scarlet Fury

She is a Scarlet Fury — one of the Scarlet Chorus’ elite fighters.
Verse’s armor is a bit of a patchwork, because it is made up of
pieces of her fallen sisters’ armor. You can see this in the
different colors of leather that she uses. It’s a way of keeping
pieces of her sisters with her at all times.

You should have seen us… we were amazing together. I didn’t mean to take away what made them special, but I did it all the same. And let me tell you… it felt terrible.

Verse of the Scarlet Chorus

Verse is the only survivor of a disgraced unit and, through some
unknown means, is able to wield the weapons of her dead
comrades with the same skill they once did, as if able to draw
upon their training.

Artwork by Nyaka-N:


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