Play by the Writing 2.0 Released
After many hours of work, I am super glad to release (FINALLY!!!) an updated version of Play by the Writing.
What is this?: An Espanso plugin to roll dice, call Solo RPG oracles, and roll random tables from anywhere within your favorite note-taking application.
- Mythic GME updated to 2e
- User defined lists (like Mythic lists and PUM Plot Nodes) now supported (Character lists, thread lists, etc.)
- PUM updated to v7
- SUM updated to v6
- GUM updated to v2
- Added MUNE to the oracles
- ChatGPT updated to latest API
- ChatGPT now allows isolated questions (outside current context!)
- ChatGPT deprecated old API commands
- Dall-E updated to v3 (finest quality and model)
- Dall-E new settings (image size, quality, styles)
- Dall-E can now return b64 into the result
- Dall-E loads markdown into Obsidian
- New list browser allows filtered search (e.g. :list.mythic.) to find and roll tables quickly
- Cleanup code and deprecations of old oracle versions
Get it here